Friday, December 18, 2009

Gift giving

Talked with some guys over Thursday breakfast, and one had an interesting tradition. The adults don't exchange gifts, but they get together to provide gifts for a needy family. The justification is giving gifts between them has become too mechanical with a wishlist and pretty much just shopping for someone else. I like the idea of giving to a needy family for Christmas very much. It seems more like what Christmas should be about. It shouldn't be a chore to buy a gift for everyone on your list. They don't really even need anything, and it is reciprocated anyway, so over all there is no net change.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Tis the Season

Well, it does seem to be a season where things become very busy. This morning I had my quiet time and saw that it had been over a week since I had it. I also thought about how I haven't been doing well with my scripture intake. Anyone else having trouble keeping their priorities straight?

So now I'm going to try and get back to spending time with God and His word. Things have been busy with Christmas parties and also a few times of me being sick which wasn't pleasant.

Hope everyone is having a good time this Christmas season. For some deeper thought, why do we celebrate Christmas or birthdays in general? I haven't researched it much, but it isn't from the Bible that I've seen. Going through the gospels this month looking at the Christmas stories. Read Mark 1 this morning and that is what made me wonder about celebrating Christmas.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

True Knowledge

During my time in God's word this morning I read Colossians 3. Specifically what stuck out to me was verse 10, "and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him-- ".

This stuck out because another memory verse is 2 Pet 1:2-4

So now I'm curious, and run a search for "true knowledge" on
  1. Colossians 2:2
    that their hearts may be encouraged, having been knit together in love, and attaining to all the wealth that comes from the full assurance of understanding, resulting in a true knowledge of God's mystery, that is, Christ Himself,
    Colossians 2:1-3 (in Context) Colossians 2 (Whole Chapter)
  2. Colossians 3:10
    and have put on the new self who is being renewed to a true knowledge according to the image of the One who created him--
    Colossians 3:9-11 (in Context) Colossians 3 (Whole Chapter)
  3. 2 Peter 1:3
    seeing that His divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness, through the true knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence.
    2 Peter 1:2-4 (in Context) 2 Peter 1 (Whole Chapter)
  4. 2 Peter 1:8
    For if these qualities are yours and are increasing, they render you neither useless nor unfruitful in the true knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    2 Peter 1:7-9 (in Context) 2 Peter 1 (Whole Chapter)
Interesting, so let's try a search of knowledge, this may be a bit long. 153 results found. A couple are from Genesis dealing with the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But over all the Bible seems to be in favor of knowledge. So why is blind faith a term that is associated with Christians? This should not be the case.

On a completely different subject, had a great ride into work this morning. A bit foggy, but over all good. I over dressed for the temperature, but that is just because I'm out of practice I think. I pulled over after the first 2 miles and took off my jacket, I still had a long sleeve base layer with a t-shirt over it.

Hope everyone is having a good day and spending time reading God's word as well as talking with Him.

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Family

Slow Fade by Casting Crowns

I am part of a wonderful family. My dad is there for me, and he taught me to be a man. So what can I do to improve upon what he has given me, and pass it on to my children?

I'm thinking one good thing would be a clear picture. So this would be modeling. I should be the one he wants to be like, not some athlete.

I also need to point them towards Jesus, and a lot of that should be done in modeling too.

I think most important to model is having time. A model needs to be observed. If I model a busy life where I don't spend it with my kids I am just wasting my life.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Passion for Riding

I don't think I have this. I enjoy riding, and I really don't like driving, so it is a wonderful mode of transportation. But I don't think I really enjoy just getting out and riding by myself. If I went out to ride with friends/family that is different, because I enjoy spending time with them doing whatever.

Now someone with more passion for riding then me is Jason Kearney. I think my desire is more to avoid the car. If I was closer I think I'd prefer to run/walk, but a bike gives me speed. It has other advantages as I think about it. A disadvantage is cost and time. Besides the initial cost of the bike, you need equipment for it, such as a pump. As far as time go you need to maintain the bike. This wouldn't be a big deal if I actually got rid of the car, but with a car and bike, the bike is just another vehicle to take care of. But as I thought about that, if I ran then I would have to take better care of myself, I wouldn't want to damage my knees. With a bike my knees are pretty safe, if the bike fits properly.

I didn't have a lot to say, but felt I should post before it becomes foreign to me. Maybe I just need to ride with others more often to build the passion. My little girl is almost 1, so now I need to get some infant bike helmets and we can go riding as a family.

Friday, August 14, 2009

What Should I Do?

In the most general since your purpose is to glorify God.

How you go about this is the harder part. I would say one way is to invest your life in others. This is where stay at home moms really stand out. They realize the importance of children, and desire to spend time with them. Unfortunately so much time with kids can be really exhausting, so it is nice that others can spend time too.

I think one thing our culture lacks is the real feeling of community. The church has moms n' tots once every other week, which seems way too infrequent to me. But when our small groups meet, it is only twice a month, which in my opinion is pretty bad as well. fortunately it seems most small groups meet more often, but I'm always discouraged by the turnout.

Maybe my perspective will change when the kids are actually in school and have friends in the neighborhood. Though that seems far away fortunately. Sometimes I wonder how my kids will do in their purpose to glorify God. Right now they need so much more training it seems, but I don't know if that will ever change. I think I always feel like I need to learn more, so I look at others the same.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Some Small Things are Key

So I just stared 1 Kings. Well, I found the first 18 verses to be pretty impressive. We did the story of Samuel for the four year old class a church a couple months ago, but I don't remember teaching them one important part of it.

Quick background, Hannah wanted a child, but hasn't had one. She is really sad and won't eat sometimes because she is so sad.
So, she prays and makes her petition known.
Now comes the part I think we skipped over in class. Verse 18 "So the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad." She doesn't have a child yet, but she is already happy. The lesson for the children was that when she got her baby she was happy, but this is totally different. She was happy before she had her answer. She spoke to God and then trusted Him. Now I'm curious how she would have been if she didn't have a son.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Good Link

Talks about bike fit.

On a different note: On Thursday my car had a problem. On my way home, I shifted from 3rd to 4th and the stick shift went loose. Pulled in to a neighborhood, and some guys that were standing outside a house talking ended up helping me out. Took off the center console and found the connection between the stick and the cable broke. Did lots of searching online and couldn't find anything. Called Saturn about the problem and finally found the part is called a "shifter bushing". Well, Saturn sells the part for $40, but the part is on back order, so they can sell me the cable too for $220, and they will install it for $500. I think this is because to replace the cable you have to get to the transmission which requires more labor. Did some more searching online and found NAPA has the part for $20. Called O'Rielly's because they are closer, and they sell it for $25 but the one nearby doesn't have it in stock, but a couple others farther away do. So I went to NAPA, bought the part, installed the part in about 5-10 minutes. Shifted the gears great, and drove to work this morning.

Lesson from this: DON'T USE A DEALER. Useful for information, but their pricing is wrong.

But really, the bike fit link is pretty cool. Now I want to go home and see how my bike fits.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Choosing Your Battles

So while I was mowing a couple days ago I was thinking about Sunday School. We have been teaching the four year old class for the past two months. Some of the behavior issues are truly amazing. So I was thinking on how I can raise my kids to be well behaved and obedient.

You have probably heard the advice that you should pick your battles, but while I was mowing I was thinking how that probably isn't good advice for a parent. Maybe for a child, but as a parent don't the battles involve obedience? Isn't that worth fighting for? If I want to raise obedient children, then I think I will have several battles to fight.

I met with a father of four, and he agreed for the most part, but mentioned that he believes the mother contributes about 80% to their behavior since she is dealing with them most of the time. So that means I need to get Wifey on board. This is mainly because my son is not doing a very good job listening and obeying, and I think that problem will wear us down faster than if we just spend the extra energy up front to deal with it now.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Valley Set Apart

Well, time to take a break in a place that means a lot to me. New Life Ranch is a wonderful place to be. So we will go there to spend some time with family, and some time relaxing.

There is also some thought about having my baby girl dedicated at this wonderful place. So if you want, reserve labor day weekend for a fun time.

Not too much else going on. Putting some thought into getting an iPhone, but don't really want the added cost. Playing some computer games, but probably need to keep that limited to the weekend. Need to try and exercise when on vacation, that is something that doesn't happen, but vacation is so short anyway, I just need to get out and hike when at NLR.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Excuses and Priorities

Some excuses can be pretty lame, but others are actually valid. But they are both excuses. I think a big difference is recognizing your priorities. If you slept in one morning something has to give. Maybe you regularly get up early than needed and thus put a lower priority on sleep, but for times like this you have created some padding in your schedule to still do what is important. Maybe you make compromises and just grab a granola bar to eat at work, I've done this a few times. But how bad does it feel when you decide to skip your quiet time with the One who really matters? I've done this, and I usually end up regretting it.

Yesterday I received some comments about not missing workouts, thus not needing excuses. But is physical exercise really that much of a priority? What about mental exercise such as scripture memory? Is it harder to have the will power for that? I think so, if my mind is tired it is hard to do, but my mind can force my tired body to do things.

Is it just me, or do others put a lower priority on spending time with Jesus too?
How is this corrected?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Variables in Life

Establishing good habits is great and all, but there are some variables that make it difficult. The variable that I find the hardest is children. There naps aren't really consistent, but more of a general time. You put them to bed, and hope they go to sleep. Then you hope they don't wake you up in the morning. These things aren't that common, and maybe if they were common it would be easier to work around.

The weather is also an interesting variable. This morning it is raining, but I was pretty sure it would be, so I was pretty much planning on driving instead of riding to work today. Though with the rain came a drop in temperature, so it is a little sad I'm not riding in the cooler weather.

Well, speaking of kids, I hear by baby girl, so I should probably go get her.

What are some variables that make good habits difficult for you? Or what excuses do you use to get out of your workout?

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Keeping Records

Well, now I'm not so sure about the That requires a lot of work to keep track of how much I'm taking in and how much I'm putting out. So I'm not sure I'm going to be sticking to it. I have enough trouble entering my biking logs into and that is only my biking information. Or walking. I think I entered that information in twice or so.

I think it is fun to try and track my food, but is it worth it. I think I would rather read. But I am forming some good habits, and I just don't know if this one is worth tacking on.

On a side note, has anyone hiked Turkey Mountain? I thought it was just for mountain biking, but I read on that it is a hiking trail too. So who wants to go hike it sometime? May plan to take the dog too.

Sorry Pange, but it is Wednesday, so that means it is time for a new verse.
John 15:7 "If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you." Jn 15:7

Pretty easy verse at least. It seems to have some sort of rhyme with it, but I'm not sure. I think it is the you rhyming with you, so it has a weird flow (in a good way).

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

What a start for the day

Well, for some odd reason the baby boy woke up at 5am and wouldn't go back to bed. So I got up with him, and should have done my quiet time, but didn't. So I don't have a memory verse for Pange. Wait, I can do this from memory. Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart from your lips, but you shall meditate on it day and night, being careful to do all that is written; and then you shall prosper, and then you will have success." Josh 1:8

Ok, so now I'll look it up, because I'm pretty sure I messed up.
"This book of the law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it; for then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have success. "
Not bad, several word/phrase changes, but pretty good.

So I decided to check out this because it sounds interesting. I wonder how I put in my biking, and how much that is worth.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Fair Weather

Well, it is raining pretty good this morning. No riding for me. I'm tempted to take commuting by bike more seriously, but there isn't much reason for it. I enjoy it, but I don't think I would enjoy it so much in the rain. I'm not really saving much money, I have a fuel efficient car and only go 10miles round trip.

On a different note, this weeks memory verse is Joshua 1:8. Memorizing scripture helps combat memory lose. So try to keep that mind active and exercised.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Beautiful I say. started out in the mid 60's, ended in the upper 60's. Calm winds. Low traffic. I even got to see David this morning. Not sure why he was crying, but he got up over an hour early, so we got to spend some time together.

But there is one minor problem. See, I grabbed a nice long sleeve collared shirt this morning. Well, I hadn't tried it on before. I got it from my dad when he went through his clothes to free up some space. Well, the sleeves are too short for me. I didn't realize we had different arm lengths, but it makes since. So now I have to figure out if I want to wear my riding shirt, which is a nice blue short sleeve t-shirt, or endure tight sleeves, or I could attempt to roll the sleeves up (which I'm not sure how that would look). The t-shirt isn't so bad, I can get away with wearing it at work, the issue is the date with my beautiful wife tonight. I could have her bring me a shirt to wear. Oh the possibilities.

Back to the good parts. I was able to maintain a cruising speed of about 20mph. This sounds better than it was, because I pretty much stop or slow at every light, so I only cruise for less than a mile at a time.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Commute Update

A beautiful morning today. Rode in this morning with a slight head wind, which dropped my speed some. I've been improving a lot. Before my average speed was around 16mph, this morning with the head wind I had 17.4mph. I can usually average 18-19mph now.

So on the way to work this morning I was thinking, should my goal be to get faster and use my commute for training, or to take it easy and enjoy the ride. I decided it should be both. I don't want to arrive at work really hot and needing several minutes to cool down, but at the same time I like getting faster. So I can push some, just not much. I think this is pretty good. I enjoy my commute, and it is only 5 minutes slower than the car. For those unaware, my commute is only 5 miles.

Also, Happy Birthday to my brother. Hope the Lord has given you peace on what activity to pursue.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Going Along

Things are cruising along. Trying to keep the good habits, but continue to focus on the purpose. Instead of being bogged down by having a "chore" to do, I remember that having order is pleasing to God. Taking care of the blessings He has given is important. Though I think we have too much stuff and could do better with what He has given. That is an area that still needs improving, but things are going well. It is a process, and for now I feel I'm making progress.

Friday, June 26, 2009

New Habits to Form

So I'm working on my new habits, and last night wasn't so good. Actually, yesterday over all wasn't good for habits. It was a good day, but it started off with me waking up early and playing games, which took way too long. Which wasn't too bad, I was planning on driving my car, so I had some extra time.

Then that evening we didn't work out, or clean the kitchen. I did a little bit of clean up in the living room, but it could have used some more.

So I guess it is time to refocus. Talked with the wife and we think having Thursday and Monday off from working out is a good idea. So I still need to keep the kitchen and living room clean. Which really doesn't take that much time.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Things to do

Exercise: Weight/strength training at night (M-F)
Clean up kids toys every night.
Clean kitchen every night.
Buy new bike saddle.
Plant trees. - have to buy them first. Also need the right time of year to do this.
Seal outdoor playset.

So there is the list of things to try and remember to do. Not much going on. I thought of writing down play with kids, but that is pretty hard to forget, they keep reminding me and we have a good time.

I think I missed my timing to plant a tree, but I need to look that up. I'm thinking of a peach tree, and something else. Not sure what that something else is though. I currently have a pear tree where I need to plant these. I originally had a peach, cherry and pear, but the pear was all that survived, I think some ants got to them and ate at the roots when I first planted them. So I'll probably need to prepare the lawn and put down a pesticide first so I don't have grubs eating it or something.

This weeks memory verse is 2 Timothy 3:16, but I decided to add verse 17 also because I previously had them memorized together and it feels strange stopping at the end of verse 16.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 "All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." 2 Tim 3:16

Last night Julie and I cleaned up the house and did a short ab workout. It was only 10minutes, and we used to do 30minutes. We have definitely gotten a little out of shape. But I really enjoyed the time with her. We got the kids to bed at 9, they have been staying up later than that, but we are trying to get them to bed earlier again.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Update for mid June already

If you aren't reading you really should. Right now free wheel Oklahoma is going on and I like reading about it. I'm thinking of going next year, but that also requires training. Also need to rope as many others as I can into doing it.

Lately things have been really busy. I've been spending my time with my wife and kids, and other family, but I have also spent it playing video games. Had my quiet time this morning which has been lacking. Just this month I have missed so many, I had a QT on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and now today. That is pretty bad, but at least I had it today. And now I'm actually posting on this blog which has been even longer. If I was riding my bike to work I wouldn't be posting, but I used the last of the dog food this morning for her breakfast, so I need to grab a bag on my way home. Then I need to mow, so I didn't want to wear out my legs.

Over all things have been going really well. Work is a lot of fun, we have our new boards in that I've been testing and writing down needed changes. We have some good goals for the end of the summer, so I'm excited about accomplishing them. We have three old products that we are redoing and it is exciting, we are making some great improvements. The hardest thing is trying to keep the size and cost down while expanding the features.

Now that somewhat bad news. Katie's birthday is in September, and kids need to be at least one year old with good neck/head control before riding on the bike, so she won't be able to ride this summer. That is really sad. We need to get riding to train for freewheel next year. I also need to make sure I can take a child carrier trailer. That may be a deal stopper, but I think it is permitted.

I need to post some pictures of the kids, we have been having so much fun interacting. I'm really enjoying them growing up and developing more.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

What's Next?

Discipleship for Leadership finished with class on Wednesday. Now that class is over, I need to stay on top of scripture memory. I need to continue to review what I have learned, and add to it. I also need to apply what I learned, and an opportunity has presented itself. Not a happy one, but one of great need. Rick died May 29th. Rick is a member of my mini-church, so now we have his wife and six kids that are still here coping with what has happened.

Some of the ideas I have:
*Create a website to help track needs and volunteers.
*Take care of their maintenance (Lawn, car, home) for them.
*Help with chauffeuring the kids.

The funeral is this Wednesday, and I haven't gotten much done. I need to make this happen, but I'm not too sure how. My main concern is that to implement this is going to require work from the family, and it doesn't seem right to try and help but end up giving them a small burden.

I probably just need to try and be available. Maybe set up an evening where we can go over there and do whatever is needed, or get an idea of what is needed.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Another recap.

Had a great vacation in Florida, did lots of swimming which I am really lacking. Hopefully this summer I'll be in the pool some.

I've ridden to work majority of this week, and it is wonderful. It will probably be pretty hot on my way home today, but it was a nice day riding in with 67 degree temps. I can really feel my muscles getting tired as the week goes on. I also think I need a new saddle.

DFL is almost over, we have one more day, next Wednesday. I don't feel I'm getting as much out of it as I was in the beginning. The call to discipleship and eternal perspective are really life changing.

Going on walks more with Julie in the evening, which is great. I would like to do some real work outs for my arms and core.

The kids are doing great. Both have really increased their food consumption this week which is a good thing. We hope David will grow some more and be able to use his big wheel he got for his birthday, even though it is for kids 3+ yrs. We need to push potty training David, but we are going for reading right now. Poor Katie isn't getting the attention she deserves. We need to play with her more and encourage her to crawl. Right now she just sits there so nicely and has a good time.

I really need to work on making a difference at church. I think involvement is key. Not just involvement, but also frequency. We need to spend time with others.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Need a project

For some reason I love doing projects. I have plenty of things that need to be done, but that is more simple to do items. I enjoy designing. So I have been pondering what project to work on next. I have done several designs for an outside play castle, but I've agreed with the wife that they are too young now and won't really appreciate, so I need to wait a couple years. So then I thought of maybe pursuing the third car garage idea some more, so I looked at it and I can't find a way around the cost. So now I'm in to trying to free up some space in the house. I want to build shelves and organizers.

So the project I'm currently looking at is a built in entertainment center. Right now we have our TV and media equipment on a TV cart. Well, David is now pulling on it to turn on the TV, and this is of course the hazard you read about with kids pulling a TV down on them. So my thinking is that a built in will provide more stability and also look better. We could also think about getting an LCD TV instead of our CRT, that would really change space consideration. We also have the option to simply anchor the TV to the wall with some clips and straps.

On the subject of shelves, I think it would be nice to have some high shelves. Like 18inches from the ceiling. Well, 18" off of an 8ft height makes the shelves 6.5 ft off the ground which I think is a good height, but poor wifey is only 5ft tall. The main use I think would be decorations. Maybe some toys in the kids rooms could be up there.

On a completely different subject, the memory verse for this week is Romans 12:1-2 which several of you probably know, but I was surprised at how much of it I had forgotten. So if anyone knows of a good way to review memory verses I would like to hear it. My current thinking is to review 10 verses a day while learning a new one each day. The problem is that this limits itself to 70 verses for a week. If I went to monthly reviewing that is only 300 verses, and that requires me to be very good about reviewing each day since the next time I review that verse will be a month away.

To put some numbers in perspective:
52 weeks a year, but due to holidays and vacations we will make this 50 weeks for memorizing scripture. So memorize 1 passage a week gives me 50 verses known in 1 year. So weekly review works fine, but half way through the second year I already know too many verses. So maybe the key is to step up the daily review. Maybe if I review 20 passages a day, that gives me 140... still seems to be lacking.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Being involved is work

So I'm trying to figure out how I can be more involved in the church, and how to encourage others. Part of me wants to help out with the nursery just because there is such a need for workers there, but I feel I would enjoy working with the youth as a small group leader more.

All of this is pretty easy, but how do you get others to care? Why do people feel that participation in a baseball league is more important than equipping other believers with the knowledge of the Son of God. We are called to serve, not play sports.

Families seem so busy. I guess not only family but just people in general. It seems if we don't have something going on we are instantly bored. But at the same time you constantly hear about people needing more time to get things done.

So what can we do?

Saturday, April 25, 2009

I Night in My Wife's Shoes

So, had a terrible time going to sleep.
Woke up at 3am to babies crying and got up to calm them down.
Woke up again at 7:15 to spouse's alarm clock
Finally got up for the day after 8am to crying baby.

So, for the record, my night is usually going to sleep quickly, getting up to my alarm. Nothing between them. So, I now have some more empathy for my wife, but would really like to go back to my norm.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Beautiful Morning

Beautiful is a good word for this morning. 63 degrees when I went out wearing my work clothes. Great ride, except for one stinky truck that I could smell when it was about 100 yards in front of me.

I really would like to do more biking than just commuting to work. But I think I need to tune up the other bikes so the whole family can go.

Now that I think about it, I have to do maintenance on all the vehicles. I think both cars need oil changes and could use an overall check up. Perhaps this weekend I'll have some time to handle that.

I'm thinking it is worth it to do the maintenance myself. I just need to get someone else to help out, it makes the work so much more enjoyable.

What about you? Do you maintain your own vehicles or take it in? Do you follow the recommended maintenance schedule or take longer between oil changes and other services?

Time of Quiet Listening

Luke 6:40 "A pupil is not above his teacher, but everyone, after he has been fully trained will be like his teacher."

Who are your teachers? Mr/Mrs ________?
Who has a strong influence in your life? Oprah?
Who do you want to be like? Mike?

I know one teacher that I want to have is Holy Spirit.
John 14:26 "But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you."

We need to spend time in the word of God, listening to what the Holy Spirit has to teach us. We need to know what Jesus has said for it to be brought to our remembrance. I've learned that a quiet time is not a bible study. A bible study (in my opinion) is a guided look at the Word of God. Instead of allowing the scripture to speak we are trying to make the scripture say something.

The Bible is the Living Word of God (Heb 4:12) For the Word to be our teacher we need to study it, not a lesson someone else made, that makes the author of the lesson your teacher.

In Discipleship For Leadership (DFL) we were encouraged to use our quiet time to do the homework, but after memorizing Luke 6:40 I realized I'm not having God as my teacher, but the DFL teacher. Now the DFL teacher is a great teacher and I don't mind being his pupil, but I also want to be a pupil to God.

So what about you? Do you follow someone's lessons such as "Our Daily Bread" or "My Utmost for His Highest" instead of having a time with just God?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Back to the original purpose

So I started this blog with thoughts of life and now it turns out to simply be my random thoughts. Usually dealing with my own life, and not so much digging into God's Word.

So what do you the readers think? Should I change to a more focused blog or is everyone happy with whatever I happen to be thinking at the time? Not like anyone really posts comments, so maybe what I'm doing is fine. Maybe the question is whether or not I'm happy with it. I'm the one who posts. I recently looked back over some of my original posts and thought they were pretty nice. Not too sure what I should do. I have a journal, that I can use. Should I journal here, or there?

Getting It Together

Well, time to make some changes in my day to day routine.

  • Have Quiet Time in the morning instead of the DFL homework. DFL homework examines the scriptures with leading questions and doesn't really let the Word speak on its own. Do DFL homework at night.
  • Stop making excuses and ride the bike.
  • Start journaling each day to record opportunities to show the love of Christ. These opportunities could be taken or missed, but the idea is to be more mindful of them.

That should be a good start. I rode in this morning taking it easy. My throat is bothering me again and I'm uncertain why. But I finally decided that not riding doesn't seem to change anything, and I really enjoy riding. Had a great ride, mid 50s temperature, no wind, low traffic; all around very pleasant.

The journal idea came from the memory verse for this week:
Ephesians 5:1-2 "Therefore be imitators of God as beloved Children, and walk in love just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us. An offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma." Eph 5:1-2
How did I do? "Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children; 2and walk in love, just as Christ also loved you and gave Himself up for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God as a fragrant aroma. " I really messed up the punctuation, but did well with the words, which makes sense. I have not written this verse out much so I miss a lot of punctuation just learning it orally.

The point of the quiet time is that I don't want to try to extract specific points from the scriptures, but to read the scriptures for what they have to say. DFL homework makes you examine the scripture with specific points to extract from it.

I would like to add working out somewhere, but I think I need to get these as a routine first then add workout in a week or two.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Finished Boat Bed Pictures

Happy boy with his new bed, and a book. The door is closed, which he doesn't get to see this side of it much.

Here is the inside. This is where he sleeps. The door is down on the right side of the picture. The stairs up are already broken. I should have added a stronger edge on this piece, but that is pretty easy to fix, no real harm done.

Here is the top. This is a look at the captains quarters.

Here is a nice overall view of the boat which takes up so much of the room.
Looks like David didn't make his bed this morning.

So what has been happening

Not sure why I haven't had time to post anything, but I've been meaning to. The boat bed is done and looks great. I've been trying to get some pictures to post here, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Angie and Jason did a wonderful job painting a faux wood grain. David loves his new bed, I have some video of him on it, maybe I can try posting that too. Though that won't be till the weekend when I transfer the tape onto my hard drive.

Started riding my bike again. My annoying cough that has been lingering is finally gone, so I don't mind breathing in the cool morning air. Today it was about 48 degrees, and I over dressed. I'm thinking just my work pants and not the windbreaker over them. Also a lighter top layer, I wore my yellow long sleeve pull over.

Easter was a great time, but very exhausting. We have way too much chocolate too. David loved it, but I think we had too many eggs for the kids. He would pick one up and try to open it instead of gathering them all first.

DFL is going well, but I think I need to have my quiet time on top of doing my DFL. This will require a lot more time, but I think it is needed. I have really missed have a more relaxing QT.

Our house is still somewhat of a wreck. Especially the garage. I need to get it cleaned up from the boat bed project. We also need to get our house cleaned up from having company stay with us. But hopefully that can get done this weekend.

The kids have been doing really well. Katie is sitting up easily, David is talking more and more, you can now ask him if he wants water or milk. Katie rolls over, but doesn't seem to be that interested in crawling yet.

Things have been pretty busy at home, and I need to take advantage of the time available to get things done. We have been failing at doing any workouts which needs to change. Hopefully this weekend we will get the rest we need and be able to get the house in order.

Friday, April 3, 2009


Well, here are some pictures of the Noah's ark bunk bed I have been working on with the help of others.

Here is a picture of the front side. The door way up top will have a hinged door on it, and the doorway on bottom will have a drawbridge type door.

This side of the structure will be against a wall, so the lower portion will remain open. The front top will have 1/2 inch diameter rope through the holes as rails.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

So much happening

Man, I'm so excited about this boat bed. I have it assembled with the help of Angie, Jason, Dad, and Papa. I finally decided what I want to do for the door and plan to put that on Thursday. Then I need to get some help and pull the thing apart. It has a coat of primer, but one gallon isn't enough to cover the thing. It only covers about 2/3rds.

Haven't been out on my bike recently because I have this annoying cough. I think I may have been a bit sick or something, but I'm not sure. It may just have to do with all the saw dust I've been breathing. But I'm done cutting, and the temperature is rising. So I should be able to ride some more. After I get my lawn mowed. We have had so much rain I haven't had a chance to get out and mow. The plan is to do it today after DFL. We should get home around 8:40pm. But if I don't do it today I may miss my opportunity because more rain is in the forecast for tomorrow/tonight.

The kids are doing well, but they have had some nose issues. David had an ear infection that is over with now, and Katie had a runny nose and hadn't been sleeping through the night. But I think we are all better, or close to it.

Birthdays are coming up now so my next two weekends are going to be busy. I'll need to recruit some help getting David's room ready, getting the mattress, and finishing the boat bed. But everyone I've talked to so far seemed interesting and available, so may try to arrange a full day at my house and feed people and have a good time.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Project update

As stated earlier, I have some pics. The first pic is the step stool I'm making for him. I painted the inside blue, but I think I will go with white or a cream color so it is easier to see inside. The two pieces on the side are the tops that will be attached with hinges.

This next pic is an overview of the project. Moved my car outside to make room for all the material. You can also see my bike in the background that I added some reflective tape to.

Just some basic tools laying around. Miter saw, circular saw, jigsaw. The drill is in barely in the shot on the left. My other drill charger died, so I have to drill and screw with the same unit, which takes way too much time. I thought about buying another one to make things faster. But dad is planning on helping me out next weekend and will bring a drill.

The other pics are just a closer look at the two pieces I have so far.

The big thing on the left is the front of the ark. I think it is looking decent. I still need to add rails and a platform for it.

The big box on the right is the back end. I've started putting in the steps up to the second level. I have the rails here, and I still need to put the top caps on the rails. It has a platform, but it isn't screwed down yet. I decided the opening for the stairs should be a trap door so David doesn't accidentally fall down them.

The two main pieces will be connected with a sheet of OSB on the front that will have a 3ft x 3ft door that I plan to also hinge as a sort of ramp. I still need to cut some windows in the side of everything. I'll also make the top bunk between the front and back, this will be bigger than a mattress, 4ft wide and 7ft long. I plan to build a small cabin on the front of the expanse. The cabin will probably only be 4ft long. I think I have to go 3ft tall, otherwise I hit the ceiling when I try to put it in his room.

Okay, I now have a new respect for those with pics. It takes time to upload them, and then to get the formatting right.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Noah's Ark

Well, I started the project last night. On Monday I went with a friend who has a truck to buy over $100 of wood. So last night I got cutting. I have a basic shell of the back end of the boat put together. Still need to add supports and the platform for it. I think I'll try to tackle the front section next, which in my opinion will be the hardest. The front will be slopped in two directions. It will slope up and out from bottom to top, and come in to a point. That back is just square, so it is pretty easy. When I was out shopping I forgot to pick up the screws, so I ran out of the smaller ones.

Not sure when I'll work on it next, but once my wife gets back I think I may take some pictures and post the work in progress. So far it doesn't look very good, but I think paint will fix that. Taking volunteers over the next few weekends to give me a hand.

I also need to assemble a playset we bought for David's birthday. By the way, that is what this is for. The Ark is a bunk bed. The plan is to have a 7ft long middle section, then put a second platform 4ft up off the ground. We are not doing a lower platform so David's mattress will just be on the ground, so if he rolls out it isn't a big deal.

The boat plans. The back is a 4ft wide by 2ft section. It is 4ft up to the start of the platform which is built by 2x6s. The rails will extend an additional 15 inches. I screwed up and forgot to add in the 6 inches from the platform for my rails, so they are really short. I may need to fix this and undo what I did, but hopefully not. The rails were supposed to be 21 inches up. I also plan to put stairs in here. They will be 12" wide and each step will be 9 inches in height and length for a total of 5 steps plus the top platform.

The front of the boat will be 4ft wide at towards the back of the boat, and 2ft long. I plan to put a climbing net over the side. I have also thought of putting a door in the deck at the front of the boat, but it may be crowded over there, so I may just put the captains wheel and nothing else.

The middle of the boat is mainly for the bed. I'll put a sheet of OSB across for the side of the boat and cut a door and windows in it. I'm thinking of doing a drawbridge design for the door, and having a wheel you turn to pull a rope to open/close the door. At the top middle I plan to build a little cabin that will cover half the top bed (4ft wide).

That is the plan. Not sure how to fix my rail situation. I'm just afraid that 15 inches is too easy to climb over. I'll probably just have to add a 6" extension. I'm trying to think of something I could turn it into to cover the mistake. Maybe cut it short, but a new rail on the outside of it and make it a shelf or bench. Hmmm, bench is a good idea. I'll go with that for now.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Why I ride

Less use of gas and oil -> lower prices for all
Financial Savings -> very little savings, unless I sell the car and don't pay taxes and insurance for it.

I do not support the idea of global warming. This is not a reason I ride. Another Link

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Well, it has been a week. I feel I haven't had any time to blog about what has been going on. So, what is going on? Not much. DST messed me up. Now it is really hard to get up in the morning with outside being so dark. Hopefully my system will adjust soon.

Had some time to tinker with my bike a little. Cleaned it up, lubed the chain, front and rear gears/mechs, and the brake/shifters. It is pretty fun figuring this stuff out on the bike. I even trued up my wheels and did a decent job in my opinion.

Well, David's birthday is coming up and I need some help. We bought a used playset for him, and need to repaint it. Not sure when this will happen though since we will be gone the next two weekends. So I'm guessing we will need to work on it the last weekend of March. I also was planning on building him a Noah's ark bed. I have the plans laid out for the most part, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it. I need to buy wood, but already have some. I think I need to just put my car outside and get my materials organized. Again, I could use some help on this.

The outside patio is done. I paid to get it done, a 7x12 foot area for only $375. Pretty good deal. We have already had a cook out too.

Still need to look over the cars and change the oil, so if anyone needs their cars serviced maybe we can get together and do them. Maybe have a cookout too.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Not Mine

So tonight I heard something interesting. The concept is that we become too attached to things that we wrongfully consider ours. For example, if a child has a plate we call it "their" plate, or they call it "my" plate. But it is really their parents plate.

The point is that this world is not our home. As Christians we have a future/eternal home. We take possession of things that are really just on loan from God and belong to Him. We say my house or my car, but really we should probably just be saying the house and the car. These things are God's. Yes, we are responsible for them, they are on loan to us so we are to take care of them, but we are to seek God's interests, and not our own. We should not live to pay the mortgage. Matthew 6:33, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."

Makes me wonder how much stuff I have that I shouldn't. Do I spend too much time maintaining things of no eternal worth? I think so, but other things such as a vehicle are useful to transport me, and the house to live in is needed too. Not sure about this computer, but it serves as a good means of communication.

Just something I wanted to share. Hope you guys like reading my posts. I would like to post more often, but struggle with finding the time. Maybe blogging isn't even a good use of my time, maybe I should do it less, but I think it helps sort out some of my thoughts. I enjoy thinking out loud.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So much to do in so little time

Life is going pretty well. Life is also busy. I'm trying to figure out how to do what I want to do, but still have a peaceful life that I don't stress about things. My day seems consumed by work and kids.

I'm guessing everyone feels this way. Yesterday was pretty nice, I had some time to read even with the kids running around. Didn't have much time to read, and it was frequently interrupted. Had time to clean the kitchen too. Fun times indeed. But when do I take time to work on my bike. That seems to be a weekend thing. During nap time I guess.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

New temptation

Well, maybe not what some expect. But for no good reason I am interested in this bike. Not sure why I want this, but it is a good price and looks to be a nice bike. For now my road bike is fine, but for some reason I'm interested in a new one. For the record, the bike is the allant

The Soho is also interesting. It is about twice the price, but has a belt drive system and internal gear hub on the rear.

So today I had some time during the kids naps to play with my bike. Noticed I had two teeth broken on the front middle gear. All the other gears were starting to show a little bit of wear. I lubed it and tuned the derailleurs. Not very good at it yet, it took me some time and I'm not sure if I even improved anything.

But back to the trek bike. Looks nice right? I think a lot of the temptation is fenders. I looked and asked around and it seems my bike won't fit any fenders. I'm not even sure if I need fenders. I don't really plan to ride in the rain. I also like the idea of having a rack on the back, but again I don't know if I would even use it. I think the only valid desire for it is a more comfortable ride.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Still learning

Eternal Perspective
This is what I've been looking at this week for DFL. Matthew 6:33 is the memory verse, but you need the verses before it to understand what "these things" are. Luke 6:20-24 I believe is the passage we are looking at. I think this has really helped me to endure the difficulty of getting a driver's license. I think without studying this so recently I would have been annoyed by the tag agency server crashing when I try to renew my license.

Bike Care
I do not maintain my bike properly. I need to invest in some cleaner/lubricant for my bike and be better about it. Probably should do something for my car too, it is more expensive though.

Bike clothing
I'm still trying to figure out why my arms get so hot and sweaty. my hands get cold, but that is fixed with heavy gloves, my torso has the wind to cool it off, but my arms just sit there being hot. Maybe I just need to not wear the long sleeve under the jacket. I think this stuff will be worked out over time.

I can do better. It sounds better in my head. Let me try rephrasing that... "I can do more for my marriage." That sounds better right? My marriage is great, but it can still be improved. I think a lot of that requires the eternal perspective. I need to focus on what really counts. Let the little things go, but also do little things that help. Maybe a better way to say that is to deny myself. Luke 9:23-24

Somewhat fun, but hard to fit into the schedule. I think doing themes is a good motivation to make posts, but just doing random things like this is harder. Hopefully I can pick a theme soon and get in a good routine. I like blogging because it provides an opportunity to think things out and reflect.

So much time, yet it is so easily lost. Lost may not be the best word. Maybe wasted. Time is so easily wasted.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Fun turned to necessity

Well, I've started racking up the miles on my bike. Then yesterday it turns out I don't have a choice. I learned that you don't get a 1 month grace period for your drivers license. Mine expired in January. So I had to go to the department of public safety to get a certificate that allows me to renew my license. This simply required my old license and my birth certificate. Fortunately we had the birth certificate.

This morning I ride out the opposite direction from work to the Department of Public Safety. Wait 40minutes, spend 1minute to get the certificate, then head to work. On the way is a tag agency, so I swing by, but they don't open till 9 and it is 8:40. So instead of waiting I decide to head into work and just get the license at lunch. So now here I am. The tag agency is less than 2 miles from work, but also the wrong direction for lunch. It is somewhat exciting to not really need my car. But I did drive it illegally Monday through Wednesday. I just hope we continue to have nice weather so I can stay on my bike. That or I have to get some fenders for it, if that is even possible.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


So for DFL we are looking at having an eternal perspective. This is really interesting when looking at Luke 6:20-26. My first thought is how comfortable life is for me, and how that could work against me, but at the same time it isn't. It is about what we pursue. Matt 6 should go along with this. In Matt 6:33 we see that God will meet our needs if we seek Him.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Intimacy in a closeness sense, not sexual. The concept of intimacy within the church isn't something new, but the practice of it is. People don't open up enough, and I feel that is because there is a lack of contact. To open up to someone and truly know them you need to spend time with them. Our small church group meets twice a month. I think that this just isn't enough.

I meet with a group of guys for Friday lunch and that is better, yet I still have trouble getting deeper with them. We would rather talk of politics or scripture that we are working with.

What about within the family. The marriage creates a trust that should be a solid foundation for building an intimate relationship on. But if you don't spend time together you become more like roommates who see each other in passing. That is one reason Julie and I are trying to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Because that time together in the evening and morning is important. Our lives are full of distractions that can pull us away from each other, and we need to make decisions that can allow intimacy to grow.

What do you think? Am I completely off base? Can you relate to this?

Monday, February 9, 2009

Morning not so routine

Still trying to figure out the morning schedule. Had my meeting this morning at 6:30 and we left around 7:35. So that timing worked out well. i showed up about 10min late though because my car battery was dead this morning. I left my lights on when I came home Friday, but I turned them off then, but I guess it was too late. I didn't think it would have been.

How much time do other people take in the mornings. Last week Julie and I agreed to get up together at 6:30, but that hasn't worked out very well for me. I haven't gotten much of my DFL homework done, so something needs to change. I think I'll have to go back to waking up before Julie. Not sure yet, but obviously I have to wake up earlier on Mondays for the meeting.

The issue we are working through is going to bed at the same time. But if I get up an hour earlier then we won't be going to bed at the same time, and we did this for a few days and it wasn't helping the relationship at all.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Time is short

So this morning Julie and I tried a different routine. I was driving to work today, so I had a few extra minutes to be home. We calculated that I need to wake up at about 6:30 to get to work on time whether biking or driving. Well, I'm not sure how this is going to work. David woke up with us for some reason. We just let him cry because he wasn't supposed to be awake yet. I just didn't have as much time as I was wanting, but it was nice to go to bed at a reasonable time with my wife and get up with my wife for a change.

But the real issue to be addressed is why I drove to work. Basically I need my car to go out to lunch on Thursday and Friday, but Thursday and Friday have nice warm mornings compared to today. So I drove today and will leave my car at work, and drive home Friday.

So, I need to figure out how to get faster on my bike so I can quickly go 2-3 miles to lunch, then back to work without taking time away from my lunch break. I'm thinking this may just require training. It could be that simple. I need to push myself to go faster, but how do I do that without arriving a mess? Currently the weather is good for biking at lunch, but it will get hot.

Whatever, I don't need to dwell on this very long, there are other things that I need to do.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

15 minutes makes a big difference

So I started meeting with Andy from church on Monday mornings as part of DFL. So I decided to wake up at 6 instead of 6:15. Monday was pretty rushed because we met at Starbuck's but we are thinking of meeting at IHOP instead so we can enjoy breakfast and not have to rush through it at home.

Well, today I get up with the plan of biking to work. Look at the weather forecast, it is already above freezing. Last night it was forcasted to be 26 degrees. So I was very happy to see it 8 degrees higher. I prepared everything last night so I wouldn't make a lot of noise and wake others up. That helped, because David woke up coughing at 6:05. I really think that extra 15minutes this morning helped make my morning calmer and more enjoyable. I was able to have my morning quiet time, eat breakfast, prepare my lunch and feed David. Things went pretty well. But now in order to get 8 hours of sleep I need to be asleep by 10pm. That is going to be pretty hard.

Now to leave you with this week's memory verse.
Luke 14:26
"If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple."
Luke 14:26

Monday, February 2, 2009

New Week, New Month; Now What?

As I was lying in bed last night I was thinking how I'm not doing very well on some of the goals I had for this year. I'm not reading the books I was wanting to get read. I wasn't exercising as planned. Things just got busy when DFL started.

I'm thinking I need to readdress my goals and get motivated again. I haven't talked to my wife about it yet, but I think just briefly going over them at the beginning of the week and at the beginning of the month may really help us get done what we want. Unfortunately this sounds more like a business meeting. You meet ever so often to address what you have gotten done, what you are doing, and what needs to be done. So I hate to say it, but it sounds like meetings are a good thing. We all know they are when they provide lunch, but maybe they have a benefit besides the free food.

So I should talk with my wife so we can go over our objectives and decide how to achieve our goals for this year. Maybe we can make shorter goals and even create a reward system based on achieveing those goals.

Some goals I would like to do:
QT everyday but Monday - started meeting with a guy early Monday morning
Workout twice per week
Read 5 minute theologian 5 times/week.
Finish "Basics of Bible Interpretation" this month

Not too sure how to handle rewards. It would be funny to reward junk food for working out though. So I could use some help here. How do you guys motivate yourself? How would you reward yourself for some of this stuff?

My thinking is a structure like this:
If I meet GoalA for the entire Month then I get to enjoy RewardA at the beginning of the next month.
Is there a better structure? I though about doing based on a week, but that seemed way too short sited. But my thinking was also good rewards, if I dumbed down the reward then I could do that on a weekly basis.

Please leave some ideas in the comments.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Being not Doing

So last night I heard something I thought was really great. "God is more concerned with our being than our doing." This is in the context of glorifying God. 1 Cor 6:19-20 says "Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore, glorify God in your body."

Sometimes it is hard to figure out what the best thing to do is. We are limited creatures, and we have limited resources. We must decide the best way to use what we have. Should I give my money to help the homeless, buy my kid a new toy, support missions? These are tough issues, but what is really important is where your heart is. Don't be concerned so much with what to do, but why you do it. When you go to work, it is to glorify God, but I reason that I go to work to get money. What I do at work is greatly affected by why I think I'm there. It is true in other areas. The internal heart issues effect what you do externally. So if I can internally focus on glorifying God and loving Him and my neighbor, then I will make the right decisions.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


This January has seemed pretty warm to me. I don't know about anyone else, but I really want to be outside more and more.

I have less desire to play video games and more desire to go camping, hiking, biking, or even just go out for a walk. Speaking of walking, I went for a nice walk to Wal-mart with the kids. I received some pretty good looks. I had Katie in a stroller, and David in the baby backpack. I can understand this looking pretty humorous. But we had a good time. I wasn't able to fit all the groceries I needed, but I was able to get most of them on the stroller.

A challenging song that I have been thinking of recently is "What if I Give All" by Ray Boltz.

My struggle with this is I'm not sure where planning fits in. We have a few thousand dollars just sitting around waiting to replace our air conditioning system because it is so old. Does God want me to give that money instead of just letting it sit? What about projects I'm thinking of doing? I'm thinking of building a third car garage onto the house, would it be better to abandon my wishes (Luke 9:23) ? Probably. I guess I shouldn't mess with that project. We really do have so much stuff around here, and I'm betting anyone reading this could say the same.

I'm thinking I need to take a good look at my possession and try to eliminate all the clutter. I could sell it and give the money away.

For those who are interested you need to have Luke 9:62 memorized today.
And Jesus said to him, "No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." Luke 9:62

But Jesus said to him - not bad, just the "And" should be "But".

Friday, January 16, 2009

DFL assignment 2

So the first memory verse was Luke 9:23-24
And He was saying to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after me, let him deny himself, and come after me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it. But whoever loses his life for my sake, he is the one who will save it." - Luke 9:23-24

The new memory verse is Luke 9:62
But Jesus said to him, "No one, after putting his hand to the plow and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God." - Luke 9:62

What do these verses say about being a disciple?
What does it mean to deny yourself?
Is this a standard we need to meet?
If so, do we measure up?
What is required of a disciple?
What is the cost?

These are just some questions we discussed in the class, so have fun trying to wrap your mind around this.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Random ramblings

Well, I biked in this morning. It was a struggle to bike or not. I have some work for a class tonight and I haven't done it all. Hopefully I can finish before the class after work. It is amazing how little time it feels like I have. I'm not sure how others have time for things. I don't work out, I don't watch TV. I think the kids just keep me busy.
Here is my week:
Sunday is church and clean house or do other choirs/projects
Monday evening I spend with friends, it is pretty much my day off from the kids. Though I help with feeding dinner and David is always interesting in whatever game we play, so he usually sits on my lap. So maybe not my day off, but Julie sure tries to make it that way, David just won't have any of that.
Tuesday evening is date night, but we are thinking of switching this with Thursday so Julie can do some exercise program at church.
Wednesday evening is the class at church that just started up last week. We have this evening available sometimes to do choirs and other things.
Thursday is Julie's night off, so I am with the kids that evening.
Friday is the weekend. There is actually time available here.
Saturday is time to relax or do projects.

So I'm thinking my blogging is boring, and I may try to put some real content in here. I may make it a good place to post my ramblings on the class I'm taking. It is a very challenging class, so it would be good to blog about I think.

Quick Bike review. About 35 degrees this morning, wore same as yesterday plus bike shorts under athletic pants, the padding was great. Also I wore a my coat shell to protect from the wind with my thinsulate gloves over my thin gloves. My upper body was very hot the last mile. I unzipped the coat shell and took off the thick gloves which helped a lot. The first three miles were very comfy. Oh, I forgot, I wore my ski goggles too which worked really well. Next time I should probably do without the shell at this temp. It was supposed to be mid 20's but wasn't.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Bike commuting update

Rode to work today. It has been a long time, so it was hard to get up and out so early. Left the house just after 7:00, arrived at work about 7:40. The temperature was about 40 degrees, started at 39, then ended at 41. It was dark for all but the last mile when it was gray.

feet: Polly-pro socks, regular socks, NB tennis shoes - comfortable
legs: new cycling base layer, wind breaker pants with insulation - comfy
torso: long sleeve wicking shirt, yellow long sleeve fleece - comfy
hands: new polar tec gloves - cold
head: borrowed balaclava pulled down to chin, glasses; tried goggles, but that fogged glasses, could have tried goggles no glasses. wind made eyes water, otherwise comfy

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Time to really go for it

Julie and i got the privileged of being able to be in Discipleship for Leadership. It is a special group at church that will meet once a week for 20 or more weeks. We are very excited. To get in the group your mini-church leader has to recommend you, the elders have to approve you, and all the mini-church leaders get to comment too. So it is pretty exciting to be in it now.

Before we went to the orientation last night we weren't really sure we were ready to do this. It is a big commitment. If you can't make a meeting they try to reschedule it so everyone can be there. You have memory verses to do, and a pretty big assignment (recommend 30 minutes a day). All of this doesn't sound so bad, but we were late to the first meeting. When we got to church we knew Katie was stinky so we went to change her, but she had a blowout. Some was even in the car seat.... So very nasty.

Well, after going to the orientation we got fired up and want to do this. We are very excited. Now we just pray for focus and endurance. We want to be hot for God, and no longer satisfied with par. The standards we have currently been living with are too low, it is time to learn and live by God's standards.

First task: make 35 observations about what a disciple is, does, the cost, etc, based on Luke 9:23-24. Don't you dare share any observations in the comments, I have to do this myself. I should be done with it tomorrow, so you can share then.

Also, memorize Luke 9:23-24 which isn't that hard, because I used to have it memorized, so it comes back quickly.

Luke 9:23-24
And He said to them all, "If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily, and follow me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake, he is the one who will save it."
Luke 9:23-24

That was my version, let's see how I did.
And He was saying to them all, ---not too bad, present tense and I used past
"If anyone wishes to come after me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross daily and follow me. -----need a comma after himself, and no comma after daily
For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it." -----pretty good, forgot to capitalize My

Overall I think I did well. I would encourage anyone reading this to start memorizing scripture, it is actually pretty fun. Now if you really want a challenge, you can also make 35 observations about discipleship on the passage.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Going Around Sick

Is it terribly rude and inconsiderate to go to work with a cold? I thought I was getting over it, but I still blow my nose and have a sore throat. It started last Thursday, so it has almost been a week, and I have worked Monday and Tuesday. I hope I haven't gotten anyone sick. But should I take off work? I'm still able to get work done, I just don't want to make everyone sick. I don't have a whole lot of interaction with others, so I would hope this limits any exposure.

The reason I go to work is that I have been off so long, well that was the reason, but now that I have gone to work I feel I continue to show up so I don't have to spend vacation days.

On a slightly different note, we have a leadership orientation class at church this evening and I really want to go to that, even though we are thinking we might not do the class this go around since we are so busy with the kids. Would it still be worth going to if we are possibly contagious?

Monday, January 5, 2009

Lord of the Sabbath

Reading Luke chapter 6 this morning. The sabbath was very legalistic for the scribes and the Pharisees. They would challenge Jesus when he would perform miracles on the day.

The Sabbath is to be a day of rest, and we are told to remember it. Well, I usually do projects or other work like clean the house on Saturday. I don't really see this as honoring to God. So I'm struggling a bit to apply and be obedient to God's word. Any suggestions? Do I need to just do it and stop doing so much work on Saturday and make the projects more occasional. I probably have time for Saturday to truly be a day of rest. I guess I should look more up on the Sabbath and try to really understand it. Comments on this would be appreciated.

Memory Verses:
Rom 12:1 is memorized, so now it is time to get John 14:21. So on Wednesday we should switch to the next weeks verses, 2 Tim 3:16 (which I pretty much already have), and Joshua 1:8 which sure sounds familiar.