Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Intimacy in a closeness sense, not sexual. The concept of intimacy within the church isn't something new, but the practice of it is. People don't open up enough, and I feel that is because there is a lack of contact. To open up to someone and truly know them you need to spend time with them. Our small church group meets twice a month. I think that this just isn't enough.

I meet with a group of guys for Friday lunch and that is better, yet I still have trouble getting deeper with them. We would rather talk of politics or scripture that we are working with.

What about within the family. The marriage creates a trust that should be a solid foundation for building an intimate relationship on. But if you don't spend time together you become more like roommates who see each other in passing. That is one reason Julie and I are trying to go to bed and wake up at the same time. Because that time together in the evening and morning is important. Our lives are full of distractions that can pull us away from each other, and we need to make decisions that can allow intimacy to grow.

What do you think? Am I completely off base? Can you relate to this?

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