Wednesday, August 26, 2009

A Passion for Riding

I don't think I have this. I enjoy riding, and I really don't like driving, so it is a wonderful mode of transportation. But I don't think I really enjoy just getting out and riding by myself. If I went out to ride with friends/family that is different, because I enjoy spending time with them doing whatever.

Now someone with more passion for riding then me is Jason Kearney. I think my desire is more to avoid the car. If I was closer I think I'd prefer to run/walk, but a bike gives me speed. It has other advantages as I think about it. A disadvantage is cost and time. Besides the initial cost of the bike, you need equipment for it, such as a pump. As far as time go you need to maintain the bike. This wouldn't be a big deal if I actually got rid of the car, but with a car and bike, the bike is just another vehicle to take care of. But as I thought about that, if I ran then I would have to take better care of myself, I wouldn't want to damage my knees. With a bike my knees are pretty safe, if the bike fits properly.

I didn't have a lot to say, but felt I should post before it becomes foreign to me. Maybe I just need to ride with others more often to build the passion. My little girl is almost 1, so now I need to get some infant bike helmets and we can go riding as a family.

Friday, August 14, 2009

What Should I Do?

In the most general since your purpose is to glorify God.

How you go about this is the harder part. I would say one way is to invest your life in others. This is where stay at home moms really stand out. They realize the importance of children, and desire to spend time with them. Unfortunately so much time with kids can be really exhausting, so it is nice that others can spend time too.

I think one thing our culture lacks is the real feeling of community. The church has moms n' tots once every other week, which seems way too infrequent to me. But when our small groups meet, it is only twice a month, which in my opinion is pretty bad as well. fortunately it seems most small groups meet more often, but I'm always discouraged by the turnout.

Maybe my perspective will change when the kids are actually in school and have friends in the neighborhood. Though that seems far away fortunately. Sometimes I wonder how my kids will do in their purpose to glorify God. Right now they need so much more training it seems, but I don't know if that will ever change. I think I always feel like I need to learn more, so I look at others the same.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Some Small Things are Key

So I just stared 1 Kings. Well, I found the first 18 verses to be pretty impressive. We did the story of Samuel for the four year old class a church a couple months ago, but I don't remember teaching them one important part of it.

Quick background, Hannah wanted a child, but hasn't had one. She is really sad and won't eat sometimes because she is so sad.
So, she prays and makes her petition known.
Now comes the part I think we skipped over in class. Verse 18 "So the woman went her way and ate, and her face was no longer sad." She doesn't have a child yet, but she is already happy. The lesson for the children was that when she got her baby she was happy, but this is totally different. She was happy before she had her answer. She spoke to God and then trusted Him. Now I'm curious how she would have been if she didn't have a son.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Good Link

Talks about bike fit.

On a different note: On Thursday my car had a problem. On my way home, I shifted from 3rd to 4th and the stick shift went loose. Pulled in to a neighborhood, and some guys that were standing outside a house talking ended up helping me out. Took off the center console and found the connection between the stick and the cable broke. Did lots of searching online and couldn't find anything. Called Saturn about the problem and finally found the part is called a "shifter bushing". Well, Saturn sells the part for $40, but the part is on back order, so they can sell me the cable too for $220, and they will install it for $500. I think this is because to replace the cable you have to get to the transmission which requires more labor. Did some more searching online and found NAPA has the part for $20. Called O'Rielly's because they are closer, and they sell it for $25 but the one nearby doesn't have it in stock, but a couple others farther away do. So I went to NAPA, bought the part, installed the part in about 5-10 minutes. Shifted the gears great, and drove to work this morning.

Lesson from this: DON'T USE A DEALER. Useful for information, but their pricing is wrong.

But really, the bike fit link is pretty cool. Now I want to go home and see how my bike fits.