Tuesday, March 3, 2009

So much to do in so little time

Life is going pretty well. Life is also busy. I'm trying to figure out how to do what I want to do, but still have a peaceful life that I don't stress about things. My day seems consumed by work and kids.

I'm guessing everyone feels this way. Yesterday was pretty nice, I had some time to read even with the kids running around. Didn't have much time to read, and it was frequently interrupted. Had time to clean the kitchen too. Fun times indeed. But when do I take time to work on my bike. That seems to be a weekend thing. During nap time I guess.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Agree...life is busy, kids definitely take away what we previously had for 'free time', but it's so fun. I've found I have to prioritize what I want to do, get up early in the morning and get it done before the wife and kiddo get up.