Friday, February 13, 2009

Fun turned to necessity

Well, I've started racking up the miles on my bike. Then yesterday it turns out I don't have a choice. I learned that you don't get a 1 month grace period for your drivers license. Mine expired in January. So I had to go to the department of public safety to get a certificate that allows me to renew my license. This simply required my old license and my birth certificate. Fortunately we had the birth certificate.

This morning I ride out the opposite direction from work to the Department of Public Safety. Wait 40minutes, spend 1minute to get the certificate, then head to work. On the way is a tag agency, so I swing by, but they don't open till 9 and it is 8:40. So instead of waiting I decide to head into work and just get the license at lunch. So now here I am. The tag agency is less than 2 miles from work, but also the wrong direction for lunch. It is somewhat exciting to not really need my car. But I did drive it illegally Monday through Wednesday. I just hope we continue to have nice weather so I can stay on my bike. That or I have to get some fenders for it, if that is even possible.

1 comment:

Angie said...

Mine expired in January, too. :( I haven't renewed it yet. I guess we're on the same schedule, so we need to remind each other if we catch it in the future