Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Things to do

Exercise: Weight/strength training at night (M-F)
Clean up kids toys every night.
Clean kitchen every night.
Buy new bike saddle.
Plant trees. - have to buy them first. Also need the right time of year to do this.
Seal outdoor playset.

So there is the list of things to try and remember to do. Not much going on. I thought of writing down play with kids, but that is pretty hard to forget, they keep reminding me and we have a good time.

I think I missed my timing to plant a tree, but I need to look that up. I'm thinking of a peach tree, and something else. Not sure what that something else is though. I currently have a pear tree where I need to plant these. I originally had a peach, cherry and pear, but the pear was all that survived, I think some ants got to them and ate at the roots when I first planted them. So I'll probably need to prepare the lawn and put down a pesticide first so I don't have grubs eating it or something.

This weeks memory verse is 2 Timothy 3:16, but I decided to add verse 17 also because I previously had them memorized together and it feels strange stopping at the end of verse 16.

2 Timothy 3:16-17 "All scripture is inspired by God and is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." 2 Tim 3:16

Last night Julie and I cleaned up the house and did a short ab workout. It was only 10minutes, and we used to do 30minutes. We have definitely gotten a little out of shape. But I really enjoyed the time with her. We got the kids to bed at 9, they have been staying up later than that, but we are trying to get them to bed earlier again.

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