Friday, July 17, 2009

Excuses and Priorities

Some excuses can be pretty lame, but others are actually valid. But they are both excuses. I think a big difference is recognizing your priorities. If you slept in one morning something has to give. Maybe you regularly get up early than needed and thus put a lower priority on sleep, but for times like this you have created some padding in your schedule to still do what is important. Maybe you make compromises and just grab a granola bar to eat at work, I've done this a few times. But how bad does it feel when you decide to skip your quiet time with the One who really matters? I've done this, and I usually end up regretting it.

Yesterday I received some comments about not missing workouts, thus not needing excuses. But is physical exercise really that much of a priority? What about mental exercise such as scripture memory? Is it harder to have the will power for that? I think so, if my mind is tired it is hard to do, but my mind can force my tired body to do things.

Is it just me, or do others put a lower priority on spending time with Jesus too?
How is this corrected?

1 comment:

Ben said...

I think you have some great points. I view my time of exercise as glorifying to God. I think we are called to take care of our temple. We only get one body and must maintain it. Now do you need to spend 10+ hours a week in the gym???? Not unless you are doing an Ironman.

I think it's balance. You need a few hours of good exercise a week, a balanced diet rich in fruits and veggies, plenty of sleep, time with family, time in prayer and in the Word, time with friends, save money, but spend some and enjoy life. Wow....that list just went on and on....sorry.

I have a verse memory pack, that I'll sometimes take to the gym and work on while riding the bike or in between sets of lifting. I often talk to the Lord while doing cardio and try to be efficient in the use of my time.