Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Oh What a Beautiful Morning

Beautiful I say. started out in the mid 60's, ended in the upper 60's. Calm winds. Low traffic. I even got to see David this morning. Not sure why he was crying, but he got up over an hour early, so we got to spend some time together.

But there is one minor problem. See, I grabbed a nice long sleeve collared shirt this morning. Well, I hadn't tried it on before. I got it from my dad when he went through his clothes to free up some space. Well, the sleeves are too short for me. I didn't realize we had different arm lengths, but it makes since. So now I have to figure out if I want to wear my riding shirt, which is a nice blue short sleeve t-shirt, or endure tight sleeves, or I could attempt to roll the sleeves up (which I'm not sure how that would look). The t-shirt isn't so bad, I can get away with wearing it at work, the issue is the date with my beautiful wife tonight. I could have her bring me a shirt to wear. Oh the possibilities.

Back to the good parts. I was able to maintain a cruising speed of about 20mph. This sounds better than it was, because I pretty much stop or slow at every light, so I only cruise for less than a mile at a time.

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