Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Well, it has been a week. I feel I haven't had any time to blog about what has been going on. So, what is going on? Not much. DST messed me up. Now it is really hard to get up in the morning with outside being so dark. Hopefully my system will adjust soon.

Had some time to tinker with my bike a little. Cleaned it up, lubed the chain, front and rear gears/mechs, and the brake/shifters. It is pretty fun figuring this stuff out on the bike. I even trued up my wheels and did a decent job in my opinion.

Well, David's birthday is coming up and I need some help. We bought a used playset for him, and need to repaint it. Not sure when this will happen though since we will be gone the next two weekends. So I'm guessing we will need to work on it the last weekend of March. I also was planning on building him a Noah's ark bed. I have the plans laid out for the most part, and I'm trying to figure out the best way to do it. I need to buy wood, but already have some. I think I need to just put my car outside and get my materials organized. Again, I could use some help on this.

The outside patio is done. I paid to get it done, a 7x12 foot area for only $375. Pretty good deal. We have already had a cook out too.

Still need to look over the cars and change the oil, so if anyone needs their cars serviced maybe we can get together and do them. Maybe have a cookout too.

1 comment:

Brenda Liniger said...

WHere are you guys traveling to?