Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Update for Christmas time

Well, things have been great and a bit chaotic. It is amazing how much easier things are when I have my regular work schedule. I haven't been doing my quiet time, or memorizing scripture. That is pretty sad. I really need to make a better effort to work on what is important on my days off from work. I need to make a stronger effort, but usually when I get off on my days off it is because a kid is awake and needs attention. It is easier to do in the morning than trying to do it during nap time. But if that is the time available then that is when it should be done.

What about everyone else? Do you find it easier on your regular routine days or is it easier on a day off when you have more time? I could see it being very different without kids.

1 comment:

Angie said...

I find it easier on days off. When I'm in my work routine, it's work, gym, cook dinner, then I'm too tired for anything else. Although when I'm at work, I have time to think, so I usually look up Scripture then and decide where my next approach on quiet times.