Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Improving Christmas

Gifts for Christmas aren't really gifts. They are somewhat required... doesn't that take away part of what a gift is?

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday because there is family and food. It is a nice restful time. I think Christmas should be a wonderful time too, but I think we(as a culture) focus too much on giving gifts. I know this is supposed to reflect the great gift of Christ. We started drawing names which helps with some of the chaos, but I also think I receive too many gifts. Us kids need to get the parents to lay off or something. Or maybe gifts aren't even the problem.

Maybe it is just me, and I took too long to start shopping. Maybe I have a problem and it is unrelated to the culture and events. Maybe it is simply a need to change my attitude. Maybe I simply get annoyed with all the traffic on the roads and all the people in the stores. It even makes grocery shopping harder.

Do others think there is a problem?
Am I crazy? Yes, but am I completely off base on this topic?
How can we improve Christmas?
Help me out here.

Other Ideas


Ben said...

I feel that Christmas is about gifts now. I know our family reads the story of Jesus' birth and reflects on that, but a great focus remains on gifts.

I know our family is setting reasonable limits and trying to do more creative things for each other on Christmas and hope to raise our kids up to think of Christmas as a time to celebrate the birth of our Savior and not about getting a new toy.

Risan said...

I had an idea I wanted to run by everyone. What do you think of celebrating communion on Christmas? I know it is a weird idea, but the point of coming to earth was to die.

Angie said...

One of my big problems with the gift-giving is the list aspect. Although it's nice to get stuff you were wanting already, it takes away the sentimentality. Whenever I give a gift, I feel bad about just picking something from their list. It means more if I pick out something that I thought would be something they'd like or something that makes me think of that person.

Communion's not a bad idea.