Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Deuteronomy 33 has a record of Moses speaking to each tribe. He is giving a blessing to the tribes before he dies. This seems somewhat common, but it is surprising that it is done just before death. Think how many missed a blessing due to not dying of old age. The book "Raising a Modern Day Knight" speaks of having celebration type events to commemorate certain milestones along the way of becoming a man. I think the blessings could have a good part to play in this.

The book speaks of how today's culture is more turbulent and confusing for boys. By laying out a path with milestones it gives a son better confidence and a stronger sense of identity. Some example milestones would be turning 13, or just the onset of puberty, turning 16 and having the freedom of a car, high school graduation, and marriage. I really like the ideas presented in this book, and I feel it is also easy to incorporate scripture into this thinking. As a man we are told through scripture about how to live. Ephesians is a great book on the Christian life. As they grow people need to gain responsibility and freedom. I think most would agree with this. As a parent your job is to raise adults, not big kids.

What do you guys think? Does this culture make it harder? What about lawsuits... they define who is responsible for what, which tells me our culture isn't doing very well guiding children to be responsible adults.

1 comment:

Angie said...

American culture is so focused on having everyone live their life they want to live it, that it creates serious ambiguity when it comes to norms, values, etc. I think it probably is harder. I'm not so sure if lawsuits really hinders a child's ability to become an adult, but it's great that you guys are thinking like that, because it seems like most parents are more focused on providing their kids with food, water, clothing, and school lessons.