Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Order in the Chaos that is Life

So, Julie is done with her women's Bible study. So that means it is time to go back to the memory verses with her. And at the same time we are trying to work out at least 3 times/week. The thinking for the workout was after David went to bed, but we are feeling that we are too drained at that time. So we are trying to think of a better time.

I'm afraid that will the holidays coming up so soon this great plans we have just won't work out. On top of it all I would like to try spending 10min a night cleaning the house. It has been a long time since our bathrooms have been clean, and I'm pretty sure I could get one done in 10 minutes.

Then another piece I would like to add to my chaotic life is encouragement. I want to encourage others, and I try to, I just feel the words I use don't seem to come across that way. Maybe I really just need to work on communicating better.

So with the holidays coming life gets more chaotic, and to make it more of a challange since it isn't once already (sarcasm), we are trying to accomplish some additional goals. YAY!


Brenda Liniger said...

I like the idea of trying to encourage others more,,,something I can definitely make time for in my busy day.

Angie said...

Well then I'll encourage you to keep up the good housework, and enjoy your family as much as possible. It won't be long before you'll wonder how your kids got so old.

Angie said...

I was going to set up my computer at the 'rents on Saturday, but I forgot. perhaps I will this weekend. Are you going to keep a pc over at their place?