Friday, August 29, 2008

Story telling

Well, having a son, I like the idea of telling him different stories, some real and others made up. But just with playing around with this I find it a bit more difficult then expected. I lack a natural flow. My stories are full of pauses. But I have learned a few things from going through the Christy Miller books with Julie. She really likes the books and they are well written and actually pretty fun.

Each main character needs some defining descriptions. Usually there are a few short phrases that help to quickly describe and identify a character. These are memory tools. It may be hard to remember someone's name, but if the name is coupled with a short key attribute then it becomes easier. For example there is a character in the books named Katie. The main description associated with her is her copper hair. But it isn't only a physical description each time, there is also a bit of personality that is sometimes mentioned. Katie is known for her adventurous spirit too. She is commonly associated with failure to plan along with an excitement about things.

So if you think about it, those short descriptions add a lot to the character but don't take much to think up. I just thought this was a fun point to share

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