Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Real Cleaning

Well, I'm running out of time before the next baby arrives. So Julie is wanting to get some serious cleaning done. Like the bathrooms, dusting and other not fun cleaning. Organizing is pretty fun, but getting out the chemicals to clean isn't fun in my book.

Fortunately there isn't a whole lot to do, so if I just do a bit each day it will be done soon. But I still have some projects I need to get done before the baby arrives, mainly to get all the wood out of the garage so there is more room to get a car seat in and out. Hopefully this weekend will be a good time.

Man, it is so nice to be in town for the weekends. Earlier it just felt like we were always traveling and do something out of town, but now that Julie is so far along in her pregnancy we can't travel out of town.

Obviously I didn't have a whole lot to say, but felt I should try to be somewhat consistent in posting.

1 comment:

Ben said...

Deep cleaning can be so much work if done at once, good thing you plan to do a little each day.

I can't wait to meet Julie Jr....any day now!