Monday, August 18, 2008

Toys and stuff

I like electronics, and have been thinking of getting a new pda and maybe making it a smart phone. But my wife is so good about reminding me that I don't need it. My stuff works fine, I don't need to buy more things. Well, she is right. I need to get away from the throw away mentality of life. I get to conserve this way. Conserve money for one thing, but also contribute less to the electronic waste.

I like to declutter. I like to simplify my "stuff", so combining a phone and pda makes since, but to do so I have to buy more, not reduce what I have. Looking around my house I think how much of all this do I actually need, and the answer is very little. Now the house is typically filled with baby toys, which he rarely plays with. He has a few, but in reality we could stand to sell several of the toys that he has simply lost interest in. He seems more interested in remotes and cell phones than his toys. But we can't get rid of them, he has a sister coming in a month, so she may have interest in different toys. So I think I'm stuff with only decluttering my own stuff.

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