Monday, October 6, 2008

Body Building

Saw a shirt the other day for But it didn't make me think of fitness, but rather building up of the body of Christ. So I thought about it some more and it is an amazing example.

For example, you want to grow. But putting on weight is only part of the picture. You want it to be useful muscle, not just fat. Same is true in the church, yes we want new members, but they need to be productive and not just sit around. They need to contribute to the body.

Another good corollary is what you feed the body. For fitness purposes this is your diet. But it relates very well with your spiritual food. If you want to properly nourish the body it needs to be on the word of God.

Activity is also a big point. For fitness you need to excercise, and for the body of Christ you need to be involved and contributing. Mission trips is a big one that I can think of. But in the scriptures we are commanded to "go" several times. We are given imperitives that involve action, not just going to church and sitting, but having an effect on those around us all the time.

1 comment:

Ben said...

I have one of those shirts, but don't wear it much. I agree with the usefulness of our lives in physical aspects and serving in church. We are all a piece of God's puzzle....don't be the missing piece.