Monday, June 9, 2008

Who do you work for?

So, I get with a group of guys in my mini-church for Friday lunches. I really enjoy this time of fellowship and good food. So this Fridays discussion was about how we are to be disciple makers.

Well, I always struggle with how I'm to spend my time. I'm being paid to do a job, and shouldn't be spending my time just talking with coworkers about life and how things are going right? Wrong. The question was presented of what my job is. Well, I'm a computer engineer and work for Qual-Tron. But in fact I work for God. He is the one that pays me. He chooses to do that through Qual-Tron. But you must also remember that we are to glorify God in what we do. So if I'm slacking off at Qual-Tron, then I'm not glorifying God. So there is this balance, but if I'm spending my time at work making disciples, then this is glorifying to God and I need not be concerned about what my immediate employers may think, because I am indeed doing what my overall boss (God) wants.

Now that hard part is remembering this throughout the day. I work for God. I am an ambassador of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. What do you do? Who do you work for?


Brenda Liniger said...

I like this post, Ben and I have had this very discussion ourselves on a number of occassions.

Ben said...

I like this post too. It's something I struggle with. I feel that God wants us to glorify him at work and through our work or "job". I think it's a tough balance of getting to know your coworkers and slacking off on your work duties. There is always time before, after, and at lunch to get to know others and invest in their lives. Great post!