Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Discipline and Anger

So I read Psalm 38 this morning for my quiet time. It is interesting how often in the Old Testament that God's anger and discipline is mentioned. Yet we focus so much on His love and forgiveness. It is strange how much more I can understand these concepts now that I am a parent. It is the same stuff. If you want your child to stay a child then don't teach or discipline them, but that isn't the goal. Our goal is to raise them to be capable adults that can contribute and have an effect on the world around them.

Well, God wants the same from us. He doesn't want us to be incapable and lacking in understanding. The book of Proverbs is full of verses that tell us to seek understanding and wisdom. I guess what this reminds me of is my need for others in my life. Someone you can talk to about what is going on and how you can improve. We need to encourage each other, and push each other to love and good deeds (Heb 10:24).

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