Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Time to think

So I read Psalm 43 for my quiet time this morning. Apparently David is going through some tough times and seeks God's help. Well, that isn't new. But then I got to thinking. Usually when I am facing hard times I try to correct it myself. Then David takes it a step further later and the chapter and gives praise to God, he says, "To God my exceeding joy". For me though, I struggle with focusing on the problem and having my mind dwell less on God.

This is where a good habit I am trying to form comes in. "Silence and Solitude" is what I know it as. This concept is also from "So You Want to be Like Christ" by Charles Swindol. The concept is that you take time out of your day to just be alone and think. Let your mind dwell on God. This isn't for reading, and not really praying. It is a time to let your mind calm down and slow down. We get so busy throughout your day, or at least I do. I haven't been doing this very long, and need to continue. For now my time is only 10min each night, but I would like to increase that time. My problem is that I feel I can spend my time in better ways than dwelling on God. Hopefully some other people are as crazy as I am in that regard.

If the Bible is true, if God is a loving sovereign and just God, why in the world don't we act like it?

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