Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Gaining independence

So my last post was about the start of life. But I was thinking about how we start out helpless and dependent. Do we ever really get away from that? We gain abilities, skills, and coordination so that we can do a few things on our own, but we are all still very dependent. I depend on the income from my job so that I can use that money for food. Well, that food is harvested by someone else who I depend on. And then there is the transportation. The oranges have to get from Florida to Oklahoma somehow. I don't have a garden where I live off my own food, and I don't think others do either. But even if I did, it is still God that allows it to grow, even if man does the planting and harvesting.

Now for something more fun and not serious.
Yesterday we decided to baby sit for some friends. They have a little girl a few months older than my son. Well these friends are going to have another little girl in less than a month, so we thought we would help them out by babysitting so they can go out and have a nice date. Well, they said they had fun, but I was not expecting how much fun we would have. My son David and their daughter Charlie had a great time. My wife and I had a wonderful time watching them play and playing with them. David doesn't talk yet, but Charlie can say a few things, or rather we can understand a few things. Charlie can actually say a lot, we just can't understand her like her parents can. So we had a great time playing with this ball blowing toy and a shape sorter, a telephone. One of the best is when David stole my cell phone which he does regularly. It is pretty funny, he will walk over to me, open the pouch on my belt and pull the cell phone out. Well, I grabbed my wife's cell phone and called mine. So we spent several minutes just having fun. Charlie would say hello on the phone, and David would just hold it to his ear and pull it away to look at occasionally. Sometimes he would smash some buttons too.

Good times.



Brenda Liniger said...

Sounds like you had as much fun babysitting as Peyton and Matt did on their date.w

Anonymous said...

Fun times with little kids! They grow up so quickly