Tuesday, May 27, 2008

The start

Well, so I decided to create a place where I can speak of things in this life, the life to come, and also discuss events, moments, and goals. So why not make my first post about the start of life's journey.

Well, maybe I should say something about me, or maybe I should be more general. I have yet to fashion goals for this blog or whatever it will be called. So I think I'll keep things generic for now.
We all start out the same, helpless and dependent. The environment we are in varies greatly. Fortunately I was born to a loving environment. I pray that others would be able to grow up in a similar way, but it isn't so. Some may ask, if you pray and it is in God's will why is it not so? Well, I don't really know, but I believe it is still due to free choice, and the fallen world that we live in. Yes people make horrid choices, so which is better, preventing them from making that choice, or making that choice result in something good down the road. I rejoice for God's sovereignty.

Well, I feel this post sets the tone of my blogs, but due to it being a journey we never know what side roads may be taken, and what changes await.

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