Friday, January 7, 2011

Impressed by my wife

I'm really impressed by my wife. Yesterday we went jogging after dinner. We have been doing 4min jog, 1 min walk, 5 times. But yesterday we tried something different, we just wanted to see how long she could jog. So we did our regular 5 minute warm up walk, then got to a nice walking trail so we didn't have intersections to deal with. We went for 10.5 minutes. Mapped it this morning. 1 way is .4mi, not sure on the accuracy of that, so I changed google map settings to km, which gave me 650 feet, which is 0.40 mi, so miles is a fine measurement. Oh yea, that is one way, so we aren't that slow. We went 0.8 miles in 10.5 minutes. I think this is great.

So here is the impressive parts, besides just doing that. There were several moments where she thought she wouldn't make it.
  • She didn't think she could run there and back, and was just planning to run there.
  • Near the end there was an uphill portion she didn't think she could do.
  • She thought she would have to sprint in the end to make it, but maintained the pace instead.
Also, for most of the run she had the dog leash, so she had that as well, and let me tell you, our dog isn't the easiest to run with.


Brenda Liniger said...

Good job Julie, running isn't fun but exercise is something we all need. Were you pushing the kids in the stroller? I love that our gym offers day care so I can go based on their schedules and not worry about trying to get Ben on the same schedule or when we can all do it. We all know that Ben will get plenty of gym time in on his own so I am making myself and my health the main priority right now.

Risan said...

I enjoy jogging with the kids, but David doesn't seem to like it much anymore.

That is one thing I learned though. You don't need a jogging stroller unless you are running. A regular stroller can go pretty fast without any issues. But there is a point where the wheels will start shaking really bad.