Monday, January 25, 2010

The Basics

So what should some basics of Christian discipline be?

Scripture Memory

Reading the Word


What else? Also, what are some reasonable goals, and then what is too much?

My guess:

Memorize a passage a week. Ps 53:10 is for this week. "Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me." NASB
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me." ESV (matches the song better)
Would it be reasonable for a small group leader to expect and challenge the group to memorize a passage such as Ps 53:10 in two weeks? I think a month is too much time and doesn't offer a real challenge.

Reading the Word. Daily. Good place to start is 3 times a week I think.

Prayer, pretty much hand in hand with the Word. But probably more so than reading the Word. Pray with your kids, pray at a meal, pray before bed, pray when studying God's word, pray with a group.

Is it unreasonable to expect this from a Christian group? Why does this basic foundation seem to be such a challenge sometimes? Writing it down and looking at it, it seems so easy.


Angie said...

Fellowship. Worship. Service.

Scripture memory hasn't been a priority for me, which is weird because that's what we did all the time growing up. But I think a passage a week is a good goal. Our mini is reading the new testament this year, which I think is a good reading goal. As far as prayer goes, I think several times a day like you said is good. It's strange how hard it is. Really it's a mere few minutes of your day, but there's so many other things we feel we must do that there's not even time for all those.

Risan said...

You have some good points Angie. In regards to worship, how many of us worship everyday? What is worship? Prayer and reading scripture are worship, but so is singing praise.

I think service is a big thing. I would like to find a good opportunity for my mini-church to serve together. It is a bit hard with such a diverse group.

Fellowship is pretty easy, we seem to naturally desire these relationships, yet at the same time it is hard to develop a deeper relationship, especially if you meet infrequently. I would like our mini-church to meet once a week, but that is hard to arrange.

Angie said...

I think worship is telling God how awesome he is in some way. That doesn't have to be singing, of course.