Thursday, July 17, 2008

A fun moment with the one you love

Yesterday just was not the best day with my son. I got home after a busy day at work and the house is a wreak and my poor wife is really having a hard day. So I quickly learn that our little boy has been somewhat of a monster that day, and now Julie is just exhausted.

Well, I'll skip over all the boring stuff because that is not what I want to focus on. The moment to be remembered that day was after the baby went to bed Julie suggested we make cookies. Well, as we got started she decided to go with brownies instead. Well, I really enjoyed this time with her. We were in the kitchen make some yummy desert together. I think it is these times that are worth remembering. They are real fun, and add a lot to marriage. They are the moments that bring people together. Or maybe that is just for me. Do others feel that closeness?

I say maybe it is for me, because early in our marriage we discovered what makes me feel love. It is activity. Well, if you know much about my life when I dated Julie you can understand why I loved her so quickly. We were always doing things together. During the summer we worked together, we did a mission trip together, and we just spent a lot of time together. But now that we are out of college and into "the real world" these moments are fewer and need to be treasured.


Brenda Liniger said...

Great post!

Ben said...

Glad you discovered how you feel loved so early in your marriage. The brownies sound yummy!